Monument Builders OSHA Compliance Checklist

Monument Builders OSHA Compliance Checklist
Monumental Monument Challenges: Operating a monument company can present some unique hazards – potential for silicosis, hearing loss and lifting heavy objects also presents unique musculoskeletal hazards – but is your facility also in compliance with OSHA? OSHA fines for monument and stone companies can exceed $161,000 if left unchecked.

Certified Safety Training, the official compliance provider to the Monument Builders of North America, developed the following checklist to ensure your monument or stone cutting company is safe and in compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

This checklist is designed to give you an overview of what is required to bring your facility into compliance. OSHA has very specific requirements and standards that apply to monument and stone cutting companies. To be in full compliance with OSHA you will need more than a checklist, you must adhere to the OSHA standards at the end of this checklist by having a Complete Compliance Program.
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